Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cara membuat tempe sendiri kreatif

How to Make Easy Practical Tempe

How to Make Tempe - Tempe is one of the original traditional food items belonging to Indonesia. Tempe is also a healthy food ingredient mengadung much protein is good for the body because it is made from pure soy.

Tempe is also a meal that is much preferred by most people. Tempe is one type of processed soybeans that have given good bacteria. How to Make Tempe relatively easy. The materials used to make Tempe also reasonably priced.

The main ingredient of How to Make Soy Tempe is already in the clear. Tempe is also the basic ingredient of food that can be processed into a variety of creative dishes. As mendoan Tempe, Tempe fried, penyet Tempe, Tempe chips, vegetable Tempe and many more.

But unfortunately, turned out to Tempe also patented as a foodstuff belongs to China as Neto. Making Materials Tempe that soy should be very easy in the can in Indonesia, but by the time a few years ago Indonesia suffered soybean crisis resulting in Tempe price is expensive and hard to find. Indonesia had to import soybean from other countries, this raises new problems in the economic system of Indonesia, because Tempe is one of the foods that is often used as a daily diet of Indonesian citizens.

Lack of ownership is actually realized in a rigorous proof, and lack of special attention in all aspects of the country's wealth, making other countries the opportunity to have them anyway. Let's start now, we as a good citizen to keep each other what we had in our country.

This time we were on the will provide information to the Mother on How to Make Tempe easy. Because if you make yourself at home Tempe it would be much healthier because we know for yourself what kind of cleanliness as well as the content of the material.

How to Make Tempe also very easy Mother, Mother could practice at home. Consider in detail the steps in How to Make Tempe easily and correctly below, complete with tips about Make Tempe, following the recipe.

How to Make Tempe
How to Make Tempe
Equipment and Materials need to be prepared How to Make Tempe:
The basin is being used untukk sized containers
Medium sized sieve
Great cormorant is used for steaming soy
Fan / fan if no
Sotel wood is used for stirring
Winnowing great to cool soybeans
Stove for cooking
Other equipment required in How to Make Tempe
White soy beans as the main ingredient
Pure culture yeast tempeh or Rhizopus sp
Plastic bags or banana leaves, or teak leaves to wrap
How to Make Tempe:
Wash the tools that will be used in the manufacturing process such as winnowing, sifter, fans and cukil then dried.
Clean white soy beans from other materials are mixed, and then rinse thoroughly.
Soak the soya beans were washed for 12-18 hours with the usual cold water (hydration process that soybean seeds absorb water as much as possible). This very berpengaruah on How to Make Tempe
Remove the soybean seed coat softened, then wash or rinse with clean water so that tempeh produced really clean.
Steamed / boiled soybeans are already in the clear white was until tender.
After feels soft white soy beans, pour the seeds in winnowing that has been cleaned, and then cooling it with a wind fan / fan stirring, stirring until the seeds warm.
Sprinkle yeast tempe (RAPRIMA) which has been set up little by little, stirring, stirring so evenly (1.5 grams to 2 kg of yeast tempe soybean).
Prepare plastic bags or banana leaves, or teak leaves for wrapping. If plastic bags are used for packaging, give small holes in the bag by using a stick or fork. in order to get the air
Put soybeans that have been given yeast tempe (RAPRIMA) into the wrapper, set its thickness according to taste
The process of fermentation of soy beans at room temperature for one or two days, or until the entire surface is covered mushroom soy beans.
Important Tips on How to Make Tempe:
Shall observe the cleanliness of the place or kitchen use for Making Tempe and cleanliness of equipment used for Making Tempe, and the selection of quality materials are used, this will improve the quality of tempe produced so much cleaner soybeans, the better it feels.
Look for a warmer room temperature because it can speed up the fermentation process of fungus in Tempe.
In addition to How to Make Tempe is very easy and can be processed into a variety of creative dishes as well as healthy and well taken, Tempe you made perfectly can also be used as a food business, so what you make will be beneficial for all. What's more this modern age, traditional Tempe sellers began to decline because many people who prefer instant material. It is a challenge for traders Tempe, it is good to improve the marketing system and boxed Tempe with a very hygienic and attractive without leaving any form of authenticity. For example boxed Tempe with banana leaves, sticky label marketing then wrap tightly with plastic particular, this will increase the selling price and may increase the attractiveness of the buyer as well.

Thus Recipes and How to Make Tempe Tempe complete with tips Making good and true. Tempe that can be processed into a variety of dishes that are healthy and tasty good for young adults or even children. Do not forget to see also reviews Recipes and Deals Kimci Korea in being a trending topic Korean drama fans in Indonesia.

Health advice from us, namely, eat nutritious foods in a balanced manner to avoid any threat of disease. If you are bored with the monotony of processed foods, then increase food creations so that reference search will find something new recipe that you have never tried. Of course, look for recipes that are good for your body and adjust to your taste.

how to make homemade tempe tasty, delicious and steady

How to Make Easy Practical Tempe

How to Make Tempe - Tempe is one of the original traditional food items belonging to Indonesia. Tempe is also a healthy food ingredient mengadung much protein is good for the body because it is made from pure soy.

Tempe is also a meal that is much preferred by most people. Tempe is one type of processed soybeans that have given good bacteria. How to Make Tempe relatively easy. The materials used to make Tempe also reasonably priced.

The main ingredient of How to Make Soy Tempe is already in the clear. Tempe is also the basic ingredient of food that can be processed into a variety of creative dishes. As mendoan Tempe, Tempe fried, penyet Tempe, Tempe chips, vegetable Tempe and many more.

But unfortunately, turned out to Tempe also patented as a foodstuff belongs to China as Neto. Making Materials Tempe that soy should be very easy in the can in Indonesia, but by the time a few years ago Indonesia suffered soybean crisis resulting in Tempe price is expensive and hard to find. Indonesia had to import soybean from other countries, this raises new problems in the economic system of Indonesia, because Tempe is one of the foods that is often used as a daily diet of Indonesian citizens.

Lack of ownership is actually realized in a rigorous proof, and lack of special attention in all aspects of the country's wealth, making other countries the opportunity to have them anyway. Let's start now, we as a good citizen to keep each other what we had in our country.

This time we were on the will provide information to the Mother on How to Make Tempe easy. Because if you make yourself at home Tempe it would be much healthier because we know for yourself what kind of cleanliness as well as the content of the material.

How to Make Tempe also very easy Mother, Mother could practice at home. Consider in detail the steps in How to Make Tempe easily and correctly below, complete with tips about Make Tempe, following the recipe.

How to Make Tempe
How to Make Tempe
Equipment and Materials need to be prepared How to Make Tempe:
The basin is being used untukk sized containers
Medium sized sieve
Great cormorant is used for steaming soy
Fan / fan if no
Sotel wood is used for stirring
Winnowing great to cool soybeans
Stove for cooking
Other equipment required in How to Make Tempe
White soy beans as the main ingredient
Pure culture yeast tempeh or Rhizopus sp
Plastic bags or banana leaves, or teak leaves to wrap
How to Make Tempe:
Wash the tools that will be used in the manufacturing process such as winnowing, sifter, fans and cukil then dried.
Clean white soy beans from other materials are mixed, and then rinse thoroughly.
Soak the soya beans were washed for 12-18 hours with the usual cold water (hydration process that soybean seeds absorb water as much as possible). This very berpengaruah on How to Make Tempe
Remove the soybean seed coat softened, then wash or rinse with clean water so that tempeh produced really clean.
Steamed / boiled soybeans are already in the clear white was until tender.
After feels soft white soy beans, pour the seeds in winnowing that has been cleaned, and then cooling it with a wind fan / fan stirring, stirring until the seeds warm.
Sprinkle yeast tempe (RAPRIMA) which has been set up little by little, stirring, stirring so evenly (1.5 grams to 2 kg of yeast tempe soybean).
Prepare plastic bags or banana leaves, or teak leaves for wrapping. If plastic bags are used for packaging, give small holes in the bag by using a stick or fork. in order to get the air
Put soybeans that have been given yeast tempe (RAPRIMA) into the wrapper, set its thickness according to taste
The process of fermentation of soy beans at room temperature for one or two days, or until the entire surface is covered mushroom soy beans.
Important Tips on How to Make Tempe:
Shall observe the cleanliness of the place or kitchen use for Making Tempe and cleanliness of equipment used for Making Tempe, and the selection of quality materials are used, this will improve the quality of tempe produced so much cleaner soybeans, the better it feels.
Look for a warmer room temperature because it can speed up the fermentation process of fungus in Tempe.
In addition to How to Make Tempe is very easy and can be processed into a variety of creative dishes as well as healthy and well taken, Tempe you made perfectly can also be used as a food business, so what you make will be beneficial for all. What's more this modern age, traditional Tempe sellers began to decline because many people who prefer instant material. It is a challenge for traders Tempe, it is good to improve the marketing system and boxed Tempe with a very hygienic and attractive without leaving any form of authenticity. For example boxed Tempe with banana leaves, sticky label marketing then wrap tightly with plastic particular, this will increase the selling price and may increase the attractiveness of the buyer as well.

Thus Recipes and How to Make Tempe Tempe complete with tips Making good and true. Tempe that can be processed into a variety of dishes that are healthy and tasty good for young adults or even children. Do not forget to see also reviews Recipes and Deals Kimci Korea in being a trending topic Korean drama fans in Indonesia.

Health advice from us, namely, eat nutritious foods in a balanced manner to avoid any threat of disease. If you are bored with the monotony of processed foods, then increase food creations so that reference search will find something new recipe that you have never tried. Of course, look for recipes that are good for your body and adjust to your taste.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016



shoes is one item in a fashion that is always noticed people. It is indeed at the very bottom tubuuh, but by no means go unnoticed. Nowadays various peacock shoes many in the market with a wide range of models. This article discusses the history SHOES VANS

born in 1930 and living in boston. Paul dropped out of school when she had climbed to 3rd grade junior highschool, then decided to get serious in the hobby of riding at the time.

Age 14 years, she was started on a horse race start in a few local races and get a nickname: "Dutch the Clutch" because the style is strange in the riding. Her mother was upset to see his only play the horses and did not make money, Paul finally forced to work in a shoe factory as a shoemaker and worker factory floor sweeper.



On March 16, 1966, Paul Van Doren and three others create a new company called Van Doren Rubber Co.
(Now known Vans). Vans is a manufacturer of shoes, apparel, and accessories for the sport of skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX and surfing.

At first, Paul Van Doren worked in a shoe factory as a laborer Randy's branded footwear maker and floor sweepers. after 20 years of working there, he was promoted several times due diligence. Until finally, Paul manjabat as Vice President at Randy's.

Finally, he decided to get out of the shoe company and moved to Southern California. There Paul and his friends founded a new shoe company in 1966 (the forerunner of the Vans)


Paul began his company by opening a shop and factory in one system. This store opened on March 1, 1966 and only displaying examples of shoes. Paul will make shoes if there is order shoes. Setah Paul received orders immediately enter the plant and directly make orders in the message. On the first day the store is only visited by 16 people.

Vans increasingly popular when making shoes for schools, sports teams, and cheerleaders throughout Southern California. At this time also, Vans launched the Vans # 44, or better known by the name of Vans Authentic. The first sales of these shoes quite successful because the product is sold.



In 1975, Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta (famous skater at the time) designing Vans # 95, known as the Vans Era and labeled as "Off The Wall". This era because there's heyday Vans Vans shoes of choice for skaters and BMX.

At the end of the 1970s. Vans makes shoes slip-on checkerboard white canvas and black rubber. At the same time, Universal Studios Hollywood asked for the supply of shoes to the need to make a movie. Vans then sent stock Checkerboard slip-on with a fairly large amount. Since then, Vans flooded with orders from across America that makes the top-selling shoe in the world to date.


In the early 1980s, Jim brother Paul Van Doren, who served as president, decided to make sports shoes to rival Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Puma. According to Paul, it is impossible to compete with companies such shoes. However, Jim did not care and continued his new project.

Finally, the project failed and Vans are also disadvantaged by the amount of debt amounting to 12 million dollars. Paul decided to remove Jim so Vans solely owned by a sole proprietor, namely Paul Van Doren.

Some time later, Vans bought by companies McConval Deluit Corp. Vans ownership rights are in their hands for 10 years. That is, the continuity of the company is governed by them, such as making a larger factory across America.


In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, Vans shoes are not only in use by skaters, but by members of the band and sneaker freak (people who like to collect shoes). Here, these shoes were scarce because it does not have an official store. However, there are some stores that sell Vans, from shoes, clothes, and accessories with a price which is more expensive because it must be ordered from abroad.

From inception until now, Vans never ketinggaln trend. Although the model is always a classic, Vans became goods that are always in hurry. The classic appeal of these shoes. So, if you are interested in air-Vans ??


simple but the style seems to be the criteria that have always applied these young souls in their everyday lives. Things simple, not too "cumbersome" and draws more attention to their interests, including in dress. Dress or stylish excess is regarded as fair if applied in daily style.

Selection of underwear model ataau simple shoes reflect the personality of those who average more like stylish "as is". Goods penunjaang simple style has always been to accompany their daily activities. Sneakers or sneakers models always decorate their young legs. Vans Shoes became one brand shoes are pretty much in demand by young people.


Vans shoe company from the Americas. The company began in a few tens of taahun ago. Broadway, Anaheim, California, Paul Van Doren with three friends opened a shop. Their first shop was made on March 16, 1966.

The store sells unique shoes production results of their own work. They produce and market the shoes independently. Their first consumer as many as 12 people. The customer purchased Vans deck shoes, now known footwear models with the type of Authentic. Paul Van Doren producing shoes setiapa day and always ready in the afternoon.

A few years later, the home-based company developing and delivering a septu bnyak new models. In the 1970s, producing Vans canvas shoes with rubber picture and at the bottom of his shoes. Innovation is apparently sweet fruit for them.

The shoe company then signed a contract with the Department of Defense As and Us Air Force. The skateboarders also prefer using these shoes while skateboarding. Rubber surface on footwear easier for them to exercise. Vans shoes usage was nearly evenly distributed throughout the Southern California region. In the late 1970s, the company already has 70 stores in California.

Ten years later, Vans has turned into a big company. Footwear manufactured developed. They not only produce sports shoes for skateboarding, but also for wakeboarding, cross bike, and surfing.

Although sales reached a pretty good number, in fact Vans are unable to solve their internal financial problems. In 1983, Vans can not cope with their debt so that the company was forced to change the status to "Bankrupt Company"

Vans bankruptcy did not last long. Five years later, in 1988, Vans sells some of its shares in the company investment banking. since then, Vans back "stomping" the world of fashion world.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

10 mkanan terlezat didunia versi ojioji

10 Mkanan terlezat didunia versi ojioji

Selamat datang sahabat ojioji ketemu lagi nih di blog ojioji yang acak kadut ini, hahaha silahkan simak deh informasi yang sahabat butuhkan ....

10. Lasagna, Italian

Lasagna adalah salah satu hidangan Italia berada di daftar dunia sebagai hidangan terbaik. Meski tidak begitu terkenal dari sahabatnya, Pizza. Namun, ini adalah masakan tak kalah lezat dari sahabatnya yang. Makanan berlapis pasta, bersaus tomat, dengan daging cincang sangat populer di kalangan anaka anak-anak dan orang dewasa.

9. Ramen, Japan

Nah bagi Anda yang suka menonton kartun Naruto harus terbiasa dengan makanan ini. Ramen, ya makanan benar-benar menikmati melakukan oleh karakter kartun. Di Jepang, ramen makan ketika Anda diminta untuk membuat suara slup keras untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat untuk koki. Itu adalah suara dari acara jika Anda makan lezat ramen koki membikinnya dan jenius. Oleh karena itu, ramen juga disebut paling berisik makanan di dunia.

8. Massaman Curry, Thailand

Makanan ini menggunakan bahan-bahan dari daging sapi, tetapi juga dengan daging bebek, tahu, ayam atau babi bagi umat Islam Non-Muslim. Sama seperti kari-kari pada umumnya, yang disertai dengan nasi yang akan meningkatkan kenikmatan. makanan ini memiliki rasa pedas, manis, gurih serta beberapa rasa campuran lainnya.

7. Dim Sum, Hong Kong

Dim Sum yang mengandung udang serta cocok di mulut dalam satu gigitan. Mesikipun beberapa orang mungkin mengatakan rasanya lebih baik bila dimakan di tempat pada titik asal. Namun, Anda dapat mencoba makanan ini di restoran makanan Cina.

6. Som Tam, Thailand

Som Tam juga dikenal sebagai salad pepaya. Bahan yang digunakan untuk makanan ini perlu cukup bawang putih, cabai, air asam, kecap ikan, kacang, udang kering, tomat, air jeruk nipis, pasta gula tebu, kacang-kacangan, dan berbagai pepaya hijau parut. Diucapkan seperti bumbu campuran sekilas ya tahu?

5. Peking duck, China

Jika berkunjung di Beijing, Cina tidak pernah lupa makan satu ini. kulit tipis, tapi gurih dengan rasa yang dapat dikombinasikan dengan sirup, daging yang lembut dan dapat dicelupkan ke saosnya sendiri. Tidak membingungkan ketika makanan ini dianggap sebagai salah satu makanan paling lezat di dunia. Namun, bagi Anda yang belum mampu untuk mengunjungi tempat asal, Anda dapat menemukan makanan ini di restoran cina.

4. Tom Yum Goong, Thailand

Sekali lagi, Negara menyumbangkan gajah putih dalam daftar dunia paling lezat masakan. Tom Yum Goong sup adalah salah satu yang paling terkenal di Thailand, menggunakan bahan dasar udang, jamur, tomat, serai, lengkuas, daun jeruk purut, dan krim ini adalah makanan yang penuh rasa. Makanan ini dapat memberikan rasa asam, asin, pedas, manis bahan berbasis up serta cara memasak.

3. Sushi, Japanese

Siapa bilang makanan yang baik akan menjelaskan alias sulit untuk membuat, sushi sangat mudah untuk membuat dan rasa juga lezat. Sushi adalah contoh makanan mentah yang sehat ala Jepang. Ada beberapa variasi pada makanan ini tapi hampir semuanya menggunakan bahan baku seperti ikan dan gurita. Sushi paling lezat dimakan dengan saus wasabi kedelai alias. Sensasi rasa pedas dan asin melengkapi satu sama ikan manis lainnya.

2. Naapolitan Pizza, Italian

Siapa yang tidak tahu makanan ini? Admin juga penggemar makanan Italia ini. Pizza membutuhkan bahan sederhana, yaitu adonan, tomat, minyak zaitun, garam dan basil. Apalagi jika ditambahkan dengan keju mozzarella, pasti dapat memberikan Anda salah satu hidangan terbaik. Tentu saja, untuk menarik keluar rasa pizza tergantung pada bagaimana para koki memasak.

1. Rendang, Indonesia

Dan ini adalah juara !! Rendang Indonesia! Masakan berdasarkan kursi sapi untuk puncak sebagai hidangan terbaik di dunia. Perlahan-lahan direbus sapi dengan santan dan daun campuran serai, lengkuas, bawang putih, kunyit, jahe dan cabai. Kemudian meninggalkan beberapa jam untuk membuat daging lembut. Masakan hidangan dari Indonesia sering disajikan pada acara-acara seremonial serta untuk menghibur tamu-tamu terhormat. Anda juga dapat menemukan hidangan ini dengan mudah di restoran atau di rumah makan Padang Padang.

jadi teman pertama ojioji tentang posting hidangan terbaik di dunia berharap untuk mem-posting lebih banyak barang tentang makanan

kunjungi ya teman

Terima kasih telah berkunjung

10 best in the world food version Oji Oji

List of 10 most delicious food menu and the best in the world

welcome friends oji oji this time I will convey information about the best dish in the world please refer ..

10. Lasagna, Italian

Lasagna is one of the Italian dishes are on the list of the world as the best dish. Although not so famous from his best friend, Pizza. However, this is not less delicious cuisine of his companions were. Food layered pasta, tomato bersaus, with minced meat is very popular among anaka children and adults.

9. Ramen, Japan

Well for those who like to watch cartoons Naruto must be familiar with these foods. Ramen, yes the food is really enjoy doing by cartoon characters. In Japan, ramen eating when you're required to make a loud noise slup to show respect for the chef. That is the sound of the show if you eat delicious ramen chef membikinnya and genius. Therefore, ramen also called food noisiest in the world.

8. Massaman Curry, Thailand

These foods using ingredients of beef, but also with duck meat, tofu, chicken or pork for Muslims Non-Muslims. Just like curry-curry on are generally, are accompanied with rice that will improve pleasures. These foods have a taste of spicy, sweet, savory as well as some other blend flavors.

7. Dim Sum, Hong Kong

Dim Sum containing shrimp as well as fit in the mouth in one bite. Mesikipun some people might say it tastes better when eaten on the spot at the origin. However, you can try this food in Chinese food restaurant.

6. Som Tam, Thailand

Som Tam is also commonly known as papaya salad. Materials used for these meals need enough garlic, chillies, tamarind water, fish sauce, peanuts, dried shrimp, tomatoes, lime juice, cane sugar paste, beans, and a variety of grated green papaya. Spoken like a glimpse seasoning mix ya know?

5. Peking duck, China

If a visit in Beijing, China never forget this one meal. The skin is thin, but savory with flavors that can be combined with syrup, the meat is soft and can be dipped into saosnya own. Not confusing when these foods are considered as one of the most delicious food in the world. However, for those of you who have not been able to visit the place of origin, you can find this food in the restaurant china.

4. Tom Yum Goong, Thailand

Again, the State donated the white elephant in the world list of the most delicious dishes. Tom Yum Goong soup is one of the most famous in Thailand, using basic ingredients of shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and this cream is the food that is full of flavor. These foods can give you a taste of sour, salty, spicy, sweet up based materials as well as how to cook.

3. Sushi, Japanese

Who says good food shall elaborate aliases are difficult to make, sushi is very easy to make and taste is also delicious. Sushi is an example of healthy raw foods ala Japan. There are several variations on this food but almost everything using raw materials such as fish and octopus. Sushi most delicious eaten with wasabi soy sauce alias. The sensation of spicy and salty flavors complement each other sweet fish.

2. Naapolitan Pizza, Italian

Who does not know this food? Admin was also a fan of this Italian food. Pizza require simple materials, namely dough, tomatoes, olive oil, salt and basil. Especially if added with mozzarella cheese, can definitely give you one of the best delicacies. Of course, to pull out the taste of pizza depends on how the chefs cook.

1. Rendang, Indonesia

And this is a champion !! Indonesian Rendang! Cuisine based on beef's seat of the peak as the best dish in the world. Slowly braised beef with coconut milk and mixed leaves lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger and chilli. Then left a few hours to make the meat tender. Cuisine dishes from Indonesia is often served on ceremonial occasions as well as to entertain distinguished guests. You also can find these dishes with ease in a restaurant or at home eating Padang Padang.

so first friend ojioji about posting the best dish in the world look forward to posting more stuff about the food

visit ya friend                

Thank you for visiting


For this kind of typical Indonesian food first is food commonly called by the name of fried rice. Indonesian food is usually typical of this one functioned as a savior when he was in a boarding house and at that time the money in his pocket is being dried. Sure to be a food is in the forward to fill your empty stomach.

But now a lot of great eating houses and restaurants serving typical Indonesian food as their main menu. The fried rice is a typical Indonesian food made from white rice is then mixed with spices that have a characteristic flavor Indonesia. Of course typical Indonesian food this one is preferable, the article spice flavor typical in the can in a very tasty fried rice.

How to make fried rice

1 porsiNasi cool white
1/2 siungBawang bombay, thinly sliced
3 bhSosis beef / chicken, beef and fried
1 bhTelur, fried random
SecukupnyaSayuran (freely want to wear mustard greens, cabbage, carrots, etc.)
Seasoning Ulek:
4 Red bhBawang
3 bhBawang White
7 bhCabe red pepper
1 bksTerasi (I wear brand ABC)
1/4 sdtketumbar
1/4 sdtgaram
1/4 sdtmicin
Stir-fry Seasoning:
In accordance seleraKecap sweet, Royco / Masako, oyster sauce, pepper powder
2 bhSosis cattle, beef 3, flower shape, fried
1 bhTelur, fried, sunny side
SecukupnyaTaburan fried onions
SecukupnyaMinyak + margarine for frying +
Heat oil + margarine, put the onion until fragrant and wilted, then enter the grind spices and stir-fry until cooked and then add the vegetables, stir-fry until the vegetables are considered.
Put the cold rice, stir until completely blended with seasoning, then add soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper powder, Royco / Masako, stir until well blended.
Last, input sausage and eggs that have previously been fried, stir briefly, then TASTE TEST.

If it fits, remove and serve with toppings 😄