Wednesday, July 20, 2016



shoes is one item in a fashion that is always noticed people. It is indeed at the very bottom tubuuh, but by no means go unnoticed. Nowadays various peacock shoes many in the market with a wide range of models. This article discusses the history SHOES VANS

born in 1930 and living in boston. Paul dropped out of school when she had climbed to 3rd grade junior highschool, then decided to get serious in the hobby of riding at the time.

Age 14 years, she was started on a horse race start in a few local races and get a nickname: "Dutch the Clutch" because the style is strange in the riding. Her mother was upset to see his only play the horses and did not make money, Paul finally forced to work in a shoe factory as a shoemaker and worker factory floor sweeper.



On March 16, 1966, Paul Van Doren and three others create a new company called Van Doren Rubber Co.
(Now known Vans). Vans is a manufacturer of shoes, apparel, and accessories for the sport of skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX and surfing.

At first, Paul Van Doren worked in a shoe factory as a laborer Randy's branded footwear maker and floor sweepers. after 20 years of working there, he was promoted several times due diligence. Until finally, Paul manjabat as Vice President at Randy's.

Finally, he decided to get out of the shoe company and moved to Southern California. There Paul and his friends founded a new shoe company in 1966 (the forerunner of the Vans)


Paul began his company by opening a shop and factory in one system. This store opened on March 1, 1966 and only displaying examples of shoes. Paul will make shoes if there is order shoes. Setah Paul received orders immediately enter the plant and directly make orders in the message. On the first day the store is only visited by 16 people.

Vans increasingly popular when making shoes for schools, sports teams, and cheerleaders throughout Southern California. At this time also, Vans launched the Vans # 44, or better known by the name of Vans Authentic. The first sales of these shoes quite successful because the product is sold.



In 1975, Tony Alva and Stacy Peralta (famous skater at the time) designing Vans # 95, known as the Vans Era and labeled as "Off The Wall". This era because there's heyday Vans Vans shoes of choice for skaters and BMX.

At the end of the 1970s. Vans makes shoes slip-on checkerboard white canvas and black rubber. At the same time, Universal Studios Hollywood asked for the supply of shoes to the need to make a movie. Vans then sent stock Checkerboard slip-on with a fairly large amount. Since then, Vans flooded with orders from across America that makes the top-selling shoe in the world to date.


In the early 1980s, Jim brother Paul Van Doren, who served as president, decided to make sports shoes to rival Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Puma. According to Paul, it is impossible to compete with companies such shoes. However, Jim did not care and continued his new project.

Finally, the project failed and Vans are also disadvantaged by the amount of debt amounting to 12 million dollars. Paul decided to remove Jim so Vans solely owned by a sole proprietor, namely Paul Van Doren.

Some time later, Vans bought by companies McConval Deluit Corp. Vans ownership rights are in their hands for 10 years. That is, the continuity of the company is governed by them, such as making a larger factory across America.


In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, Vans shoes are not only in use by skaters, but by members of the band and sneaker freak (people who like to collect shoes). Here, these shoes were scarce because it does not have an official store. However, there are some stores that sell Vans, from shoes, clothes, and accessories with a price which is more expensive because it must be ordered from abroad.

From inception until now, Vans never ketinggaln trend. Although the model is always a classic, Vans became goods that are always in hurry. The classic appeal of these shoes. So, if you are interested in air-Vans ??


simple but the style seems to be the criteria that have always applied these young souls in their everyday lives. Things simple, not too "cumbersome" and draws more attention to their interests, including in dress. Dress or stylish excess is regarded as fair if applied in daily style.

Selection of underwear model ataau simple shoes reflect the personality of those who average more like stylish "as is". Goods penunjaang simple style has always been to accompany their daily activities. Sneakers or sneakers models always decorate their young legs. Vans Shoes became one brand shoes are pretty much in demand by young people.


Vans shoe company from the Americas. The company began in a few tens of taahun ago. Broadway, Anaheim, California, Paul Van Doren with three friends opened a shop. Their first shop was made on March 16, 1966.

The store sells unique shoes production results of their own work. They produce and market the shoes independently. Their first consumer as many as 12 people. The customer purchased Vans deck shoes, now known footwear models with the type of Authentic. Paul Van Doren producing shoes setiapa day and always ready in the afternoon.

A few years later, the home-based company developing and delivering a septu bnyak new models. In the 1970s, producing Vans canvas shoes with rubber picture and at the bottom of his shoes. Innovation is apparently sweet fruit for them.

The shoe company then signed a contract with the Department of Defense As and Us Air Force. The skateboarders also prefer using these shoes while skateboarding. Rubber surface on footwear easier for them to exercise. Vans shoes usage was nearly evenly distributed throughout the Southern California region. In the late 1970s, the company already has 70 stores in California.

Ten years later, Vans has turned into a big company. Footwear manufactured developed. They not only produce sports shoes for skateboarding, but also for wakeboarding, cross bike, and surfing.

Although sales reached a pretty good number, in fact Vans are unable to solve their internal financial problems. In 1983, Vans can not cope with their debt so that the company was forced to change the status to "Bankrupt Company"

Vans bankruptcy did not last long. Five years later, in 1988, Vans sells some of its shares in the company investment banking. since then, Vans back "stomping" the world of fashion world.


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