Tuesday, July 19, 2016


For this kind of typical Indonesian food first is food commonly called by the name of fried rice. Indonesian food is usually typical of this one functioned as a savior when he was in a boarding house and at that time the money in his pocket is being dried. Sure to be a food is in the forward to fill your empty stomach.

But now a lot of great eating houses and restaurants serving typical Indonesian food as their main menu. The fried rice is a typical Indonesian food made from white rice is then mixed with spices that have a characteristic flavor Indonesia. Of course typical Indonesian food this one is preferable, the article spice flavor typical in the can in a very tasty fried rice.

How to make fried rice

1 porsiNasi cool white
1/2 siungBawang bombay, thinly sliced
3 bhSosis beef / chicken, beef and fried
1 bhTelur, fried random
SecukupnyaSayuran (freely want to wear mustard greens, cabbage, carrots, etc.)
Seasoning Ulek:
4 Red bhBawang
3 bhBawang White
7 bhCabe red pepper
1 bksTerasi (I wear brand ABC)
1/4 sdtketumbar
1/4 sdtgaram
1/4 sdtmicin
Stir-fry Seasoning:
In accordance seleraKecap sweet, Royco / Masako, oyster sauce, pepper powder
2 bhSosis cattle, beef 3, flower shape, fried
1 bhTelur, fried, sunny side
SecukupnyaTaburan fried onions
SecukupnyaMinyak + margarine for frying +
Heat oil + margarine, put the onion until fragrant and wilted, then enter the grind spices and stir-fry until cooked and then add the vegetables, stir-fry until the vegetables are considered.
Put the cold rice, stir until completely blended with seasoning, then add soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper powder, Royco / Masako, stir until well blended.
Last, input sausage and eggs that have previously been fried, stir briefly, then TASTE TEST.

If it fits, remove and serve with toppings 😄


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